2019年8月20日 星期二





“博状元饼”俗称“博饼”,以掷骰子方式进行,属于民间盛行的“博戏”;有些地方则称为“夺状元饼”或“抢状元”,是盛行于闽南地区特有之民俗文化活动。相传是出生金门洪门港(后丰港)的郑成功营中大将洪旭,在郑成功领军进攻金陵时,为稳定留守 厦门的官兵军心,并抚慰思乡情绪,发明博状元饼游戏,让官兵在中秋节玩上一把,而在厦门、泉州、金门等地流传,成为一种中秋佳节应景的民俗娱乐活动。

Bobing (Mooncake Dice Game, a game in which six dice are thrown into a bowl and the different combinations of numbers result in different scores and prizes) is a unique festive activity in Kinmen & Xiamen during the Mid-Autumn Festival. It has been kept as a Mid-Autumn tradition by the locals for hundreds of years, forming part of the city's particular mooncake culture.

Bobing is a highly enjoyable game as people roll dices for good luck. The locals believe that someone who rolls a Zhuàngyuán (literally meaning the title conferred on the top-ranking candidate in the highest imperial examination, which here means the top prize) will enjoy a year of good fortune. That is of course because people put so much feeling into the game. It explains why the Kinmenese place so much importance on the Mid-Autumn Festival, some even regarding it as more important than Spring Festival.

