2012年2月8日 星期三

The top ten tourist town a check Golden Gate Marketing Story 十大觀光小城複選金門行銷總動員

The top ten tourist town a check Golden Gate Marketing Story

2012/2/8Reporter Li Zeng Wang / county reports
Finalists Taiwan tourism one of the top ten small town of Gold town, in the second stage of complex ballot election, as of yesterday for the second to last in the 17 finalists to a small town in County Magistrate Li Woshi yesterday afternoon invited the County Board room and the organ, the township the hall and the gold tube at a coordination meeting, asked all units to the vote to as Kinmen's overall marketing case do moving their Cuipiao, vote, join the festivities, so that the gold towns have the opportunity to squeeze into the Taiwan tourism Ten the city, benefit Kinmen tourism development and marketing.Coordination meeting at 4 pm yesterday, held in the Works, Conference Room, presided over by Magistrate Li Woshi the Jincheng mayor stone trillion  day, Yang Zhen Wu of the Secretary for Transportation and Tourism, as well as in charge of County Board Room, offices, town halls and , the FSC at the gin company representatives., The division of Coordination of the various units.Magistrate Li Woshi finalists for the gold towns, Taiwan's top ten tourist town check, emphasizing more on the poll results is of each unit and the county people, this as the Golden Gate event, enthusiastically Cuipiao vote in order to assist the town hall. Golden Department of Defense can also join the festivities, and other issues such as volunteer brigade college students, the society, the Financial Supervisory Department, schools, etc., can also be the common response to vote, to allow the town eventually emerged, is the glory of the Golden Gate .He also hoped that the industry management department, like the Chamber of Commerce, Army Friends, the gin approved retailers, high school, Golden Gate University, alternative service, as well as the household registry office business trip, and activities of each unit, and the airport, docks, transport attractions all red tickets printed postcards to encourage everyone to fill in the voting, as well as the site the community together to benefit the gold towns voted.County Government Transportation and Tourism Bureau pointed out that the Ministry of Transportation to handle the selection of the "top ten tourist town, the first stage has invited scholars and experts selected the 17 townships or Administrative Region; the second phase from January 21 120 2001 March 9, check the review accounted for 80% (written review to review the specific gravity table, the expert to inspect the election unit of presentation) and three.And 20 percent voted (voted the way the online voting, postcards and phone APP vote three ways, each day can vote once every six counties and cities may cast by voting Internet voting site : http://2012town.gvm.com.tw/votelist.php http://xn--kkru9ht3abzf.tw/, http:// Ten small town. tw / (Chinese Website often do not increase the status of even change to the English web site), click the active approach, click on Internet voting method, account settings, please fill in: the email account name, telephone number, verification code, the answer to digital plus total, repeat the above action, the computer may re-used.In addition, postcards vote three ways recipient (postcard poll from January 21 until March 7 deadline), to the Tourism Bureau Tourist Service Center directly obtained or can buy postcards on the front write 10486 Taipei Songjiang Road No. 111, 15th Floor, Taiwan's top ten tourist small town named unit to close the back write "Golden Gate" or the "Golden City" characters. Also be obtained from the Tourism Bureau Tourist Service Center, or through the active site postcard graphics download print attached to the postcard on the back, check the "gold town" name, sent to Taipei Sung Chiang Road, No. 111, 15th Floor, sightseeing small town activity group received. Another phone APP open in mid-February.




