2012年2月6日 星期一

Price! A trip to tranquility return of 520 005 thousand Yuan

Price! A trip to tranquility return of 520 005 thousand Yuan2012/2/6Reporter Li Zeng Wang / roundup
Helicopter trip to the peace to return home price 50 25,000 thousand dollars!Kinmen County Government yesterday 50 to $ 25,000 price, hire Daily Air helicopter to the "days of tranquility to return home" service, carrying one in critical condition at the Taipei Veterans General Hospital Cancer folks return to the Golden Gate.
For dying patients back to the "high price", Kinmen County Magistrate Li Woshi cares for the county was dying the wishes of patients and their families, filial piety, though reluctant, still have to reluctantly signed prospective. Lee County Magistrate yesterday for taking the time to visit this patient to the Taipei Veterans General Hospital, and condolences to the family members.
In recent days, the County Director of Health to deal many times with the Tak airlines bargaining Chen Tien-shun shook his head, do not agree Tak makes good business sense, style of not balanced and reasonable tariff. County, Taipei director of the Service, Grain for, although they respect Tak looting, but he believes that the itinerary of the Tak why fly the trip from Taipei to Kinmen asking price of $ 5,000 50 20 000 cost of operations, put forward a reasonable explanation; the central government such as the Ministry of Transportation, the Department of Health should look squarely at the Islands Medical weakness, coordination of the airlines to set a reasonable price, can not let the industry due to the Department of exclusive business and anything and everything, otherwise they should be mobilized to the National Police Administration's Airborne Service Corps or the military for helicopter support.
The dying patient's family in Jinmen, last Friday <> immediately County Government proposed peace to return home to apply. Daily Air offer 28 million of the original signed attendance trip <county of 250,000 thousand families of the burden of NT $ 28,000>, a huge rose to nearly double the 50 to 25,000thousand dollars, after repeated co-ordination, are reluctant to lower prices, the same day without job, keep up with the C-130 military aircraft returned to the gold, the original county to please the families of understanding, patients can hang on until tomorrow, then back to the C-130 military aircraft ago Kinmen.Condition deteriorated unexpectedly yesterday morning and intubation, Chen Tien-shun report of the Director Li Woshi magistrate agreed Tak attendance <50 20 000 of $ 5,000 family members the burden of $ 30,000>.
Health Bureau description, the council and the Tak was signed on March 22 last year "the year 100 air ambulance carrying peace to return home patient" contract, express to fly 28 million per trip, compliance to the end of last year.Health Bureau on October 21 last year handled $ 01 procurement cases, the ZTE aviation quotes per trip is 1.4 million; Daily Air offer of $ 500,000 per trip is.$ 320,000 and the reserve price gap is too large, three public tender, are no manufacturers to tender bids.
In order to avoid service interruption, the Health Bureau many phone calls and correspondence consultations Dean, 28 million in a single trip, extended contract, the company that the old contract prices and conditions of inadequate flight costs, and reluctantly agreed to extend the contract first ended 31 December. After that persistently refused to cut prices.
In order to avoid the job of tranquility to return home to open a window, resulting in inconvenience to the patient's family, Bureau of Health Emergency letter to the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of the Interior to assist.The Ministry of the Interior to answer your inquiry said that peace return of non-emergency areas, inconsistent with the statutory Responsibilities of the Airborne Service Corps, find it difficult to help; Department of Defense said will convene a meeting in conjunction with the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of the Interior, the Department of Health and other relevant ministries will emergency medical evacuation and evacuation problems currently facing the critically ill to return home deliberation.
County Health Department letter to the new Division Legislator Yang Ying-Xiong assist pointed out that Kinmen peace to return home business for several years only Tak and ZTE both airlines executable this task, ZTE aviation official correspondence before due to aircraft scheduling factors are not the implementation of the 120 in 2001 case task, led to an exclusive market Tak airlines only. Kinmen County Health Bureau to handle emergency medical and tranquility to return home evacuation, 16 to 90 years contract 210000-280000 yuan per trip is 98 to 90 nine per trip is 27 $ 50,000, ninety-nine years to one hundred per trip is 28 million, of the two airlines invariably increase the offer for fear that joint monopoly desirable shill bidding, in violation of the fair trade suspected.
Secretary Chen Tien-shun said that last year a total of 50 three times of peace to return home jobs, spent 14.84 million yuan <beyond the budget of 1,200 million>. The minutes of January this year, on the implementation of the peace to return home of the 10 trip, spent 3.08 million yuan per trip to 50 25,000 thousand dollars, but also I do not know by how public funds.
Grain for Green Project Director expressed condolences to the hospital folks from time to time on behalf of Li Woshi magistrate to Taipei Veterans General Hospital, he heard the complaints of patients and their families on the DOH Kinmen hospital quality of care in terminal cancer patients, many military aircraft evacuation sent to the Veterans General Hospital in the afternoon or the next day, they immediately apply for example to return home by helicopter peace, but also confirms the Department Kim Hospital unnecessary evacuations caused by the waste of medical resources, as well as the inconvenience to patients and their families. Of course, patients and their families on the Golden Gate evacuation treatment of holding too much hope, will also affect the physician decide whether evacuation of the judgment, but so also highlights the patients do not trust the Department payment.
Grain for the view that the root of the problem is of course as soon as possible to enhance Gammon quality of medical care, so that the people of Kinmen from the evacuation of the Taiwan Medical and tranquility to return home back to their homeland suffer, if Department of Health to conscientious Steering to improve hospital standards of the Department of gold, he looked forward to Ma Ying-jeou The President and the Executive Yuan to address the problems effectively attach importance to the constitutional guarantees of the residents of outlying islands of health and medical policy directive related medical institutions, to assist in improving the medical environment in Kinmen.




