2013年9月4日 星期三




Nothing is impossible!

Collection full 10000 approve, lets me have courage starting off! 
I will start in September 5, 2013 to ride the bicycle to roam about, estimated will start the way mainland, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, the final terminal from Xiamen will be Singapore, the span 6000 kilometers, the time is approximately 150 days, the process thought will be difficult, but I believed I could be joyful, because will visit the world always is my dream.

The life is alive the dozens of winters and summers, deducts the student time to study and the social work time, own can grasp the time is extremely limited, if some matters the present do not do, later do not count on oneself can tread that one step.Each people all have the dream, the really few people achieve him actually, we are glad change easily and comfortably in the present situation fear, but the willpower is similar to the muscle to need to hammer frequently 鍊, otherwise can wither fast, “vainly hoped for” is not the mouth, is must depend on the actual motion to practice, I unceasingly accumulate the experience which oneself succeeds, each time small success finally lets me have the courage to challenge this time traveling schedule, the young people biggest qualification is must have did not fear makes mistakes spirit, so long as the direction, the faith are correct, believed finally can achieve the dream.

Each approves to me all is in the spiritual support and the encouragement, please do not have to press down your left key according to approve and to share this article parsimoniously, lets me have your blessing to complete the dream.

Nothing is impossible



 📣📣 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 📣📣 第𝟐𝟏屆金門海上長泳暨第𝟏𝟐屆金廈泳渡 分別於𝟕/𝟐𝟎、𝟕/𝟐𝟏即將登場🏊‍♂️ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒年的夏天🌞 金門即將迎來兩項矚目的海上運動盛事🙌 不只能促進兩岸之間的交流還能維持關係🫶 今年的主題為「友善、整潔...