2011年12月15日 星期四

Golden Horse Film Festival opening film premiere 23 Golden Gate


 2011年4月21日,張作驥導演所執導的史詩戰爭片《1949:穿過黑暗的火花》是以金門古寧頭戰役為背景,全片在金門實地拍攝。拍攝期間動員金門各單位協助所拍攝完成的《1949:穿過黑暗的火花》,影片片段及幕後花絮影片在Youtube  及臉書  Facebook  等網路上傳播時,許多金門鄉親熱烈迴響,紛紛反映希望可以一睹《1949:穿過黑暗的火花》的風采。

Golden Horse Film Festival opening film premiere 23 Golden Gate2011/12/15Reporters Cai Qun / roundup
Kinmen folks have blessed. Following the film "Seediq Bale", the Taiwanese have a brilliant film, will embark on the Golden Gate land, to meet with you. 23 premiere, adopted without invoice, free way of approach.April 21, 2011, directed by Chang directed epic war film "1949: through the dark spark" is rather ancient head battle for the Golden Gate background, the entire film is shot on the Golden Gate. During the filming to help mobilize all units taken in Kinmen completed "1949: through the dark spark", the film clips and behind the scenes videos on Youtube and Facebook and other networks face book spread, many Kinmen enthusiastic response, may have reflected a wish to see "1949: through the dark spark" style."1949: through the dark spark" is also the Golden Horse Film Festival opening film "10 +10" is one of the film program, the Golden Horse Film Festival launch of the "10 +10" movie co-creation programs, call the NPC films unite Taiwan, a total of convergence Chang, Wang, Wang Tong, Chu, He Wei Ting, Wu Nien-chen, Shen's, Hou Hsiao-hsien Hou quarter, however, Sylvia Chang, Chen Yu-hsun, Chen Kuo-fu, Chen Chun Lin, Yang Ya-Zhe, Zheng Wentang, Zhengyou Jie, Xiao Ya all, Leon Dai, Zhongmeng Hong, Wei and other twenty Taiwanese films director, each video were taken five minutes to "Taiwan's unique" Theme for the center, but not limited to the form and content of scripts, fully licensed to each director, free play, imagination and creativity.This twenty "unique to Taiwan," the video, on December 16, Taiwan Xian Ying, types are warm, there is pure love, a thriller, a record, there are absurd, black comedy, there is some magic to imagine the social realist There are also contemporary old to reproduce the current status of topics includes the urban-rural gap, times change, and self-mocking, school violence, family, emotions, feelings of youth, media power, History, etc., a comprehensive contemplation of Taiwan's social changes of the past hundred years also dig washed out from the vast flow of history can not forget the memories and emotions, or.Chang director of gratitude, "1949: through the dark spark" in Kinmen and Kinmen County government take time to obtain the support of villagers, especially the Golden Gate to the awards committee deliberations show "10 +10"; CD Kinmen have to go for all cinemasinto the history, the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival Executive Committee in line with the original intention to promote films, agreed to the Golden Gate offers two field screenings the audience, the film only received a second way of royalties, so that the "10 +10" to the film "Seediq Bale "after again have the opportunity to make Kinmen and Taiwan cinema sync, watch the big screen by the director to twenty wonderful films, and more meaningful."10 +10" will be set in the Republic of 一 ○ ○ 年 12 月 23 日 (星期五) night at seven, and December 24 日 (星期六) at four o'clock in the Auditorium of the Cultural Affairs Bureau show a, taken without invoice, free admission of the way. December 23 premiere, Chang and other directors will meet people in person and you are welcome to enjoy the film, favorite films of Kinmen, to take part.


