2011年12月27日 星期二
海‧島‧人 第七屆數位島嶼攝影比賽辦法
2011年12月25日 星期日
U.S. and cup competitions agricultural and industrial cloth folded three students won the first creative
陳冠伶表示,參賽前,蕭淑如、翁振文、楊馥瑜花了一個多月的時間做準備,並由去年在第四屆比賽得過第二名的蕭淑如帶領翁振文、楊馥瑜兩個學弟妹構思及練習,希望做到經驗傳承;他們就像生命共同體一樣;他們的表現,無可挑剔。 今年美和盃口布摺疊大賽的主題是「十全十美‧精彩一百」;蕭淑如、翁振文、楊馥瑜用「花」的意象來表現這個主題。 比賽的上限是四十五分鐘,他們分工互助,合作無間,只用了三十二分鐘,獲得加分。
U.S. and cup competitions agricultural and industrial cloth folded three students won the first creative
Reporters Zhang Teng / roundup
Xiao Shu-Gammon, such as agricultural and industrial students, Wengzhen Wen, Fu Yu Yang, "the United States and the fifth National Cup Senior High School folded cloth over the mouth shape of human creativity contest" to get "creative" project first; theme is "perfect ‧ wonderful one hundred." Their instructor is Chen Guanling.
"America and the Cup" by the United States and the University of Technology Department of Hospitality Management organized. Purpose is to enhance the activities of food service employees in the mouth of cloth folding skills, hospitality career training for the development of professional services. This year's race date is December 十二 日 (星期一); competition venue in the United States and the University of Technology.
Chen Guanling said before the competition, Xiao Shu, such as, Wengzhen Wen, Yang Fu Yu spent more than a month to prepare, by last year won second place at the fourth game to lead Wengzhen Wen as Xiao Shu, Fu Yu Yang two underclassmen in the conception and practice, I hope to do experience heritage; community of life as they like; their performance, impeccable. This year the United States and the cloth folded cup competition's theme is "perfect ‧ wonderful one hundred"; Xiao Shu, such as, Wengzhen Wen, Yang Fu Yu with "flower" to express the image of the subject. The upper limit of the game is 45 minutes, their division of labor solidarity and collaboration, with only three 12 minutes to obtain extra points.
Competition, Xiao Shu as responsible for the "three-sided shop" table of preparation, and with the mouth cloth folded out "Valley Orchids," "Phoenix", "flowers bloom" and other shapes; Wengzhen Wen responsible for folding "roots," "magnificent," " natural beauty, "" spring day "; Yang Fu Yu is responsible for" Blossoming "," a bunch of red "and the designation of cloth in the mouth" Bishop cap "(Chi Kung cap)," helmet "," suit. "
Among them, the "hundred flowers bloom" is purple, peach, white, gold, silver and other colors of the mouth of cloth composed bouquet, became the "perfect ‧ wonderful one hundred" in the visual center; "roots" is to light gold cloth inserted into the mouth of gold leaf, plug in the goblet, the formation of Jinping.
Xiao Shu, such as that of the basic techniques of folding cloth mouth is "fold, roll, turn, press"; mastery of basic techniques to determine the success of the work. She believes that this can be the first creative project, mainly because they really worked hard and also under the martial arts. She is very grateful to the teacher's guidance. She has been the high school senior, hopes to race in the country named after skills to enter the ideal of the university, the future as a "stewardess."
Wengzhen Wen said, "spring day" is in the shape of a "senseless" conditions derived inspiration. Practice the process, they sometimes make some "idiot" behavior; one occasion, he did not purpose to put the mouth into the trash on the cloth - a clean trash; result that he came up with "spring day" of folding. He can get creative to make this the first, due to ambition you want to name. Next, he hopes to name the national art contest.
Yang Fu Yu said that in the long preparation process, they will Hsiao Shu, such as the "lucky pig" and Wengzhen Wen's "Faluo friends" (imitating cartoon "SpongeBob SquarePants") as the prayer of the object, though a bit funny, but it is a spiritual cohesion. She felt that they can get the idea first, most important is by agreement. Yang Fu Yu hopes to enter the National Pingtung University of Technology.
All meals Zhang Xin, director of management, said the school is very sophisticated techniques to encourage students by race; students can get first place in the creative item is commendable achievement.
The United States and the cup of human artistic creativity cloth folded shape of Competition awards include: the title (NT $ 10,000 prize whole), runner-up prize (Lu thousand), third prize (five thousand dollars a whole), Best Potential Award (prize Participation thousand), honorable mention two (bonus one thousand dollars), creativity (creative entries) first to the third (first prize Erqian million), professional and first to third, first to the third technical name. All of the above awards, there are medals and awards; guidance teachers also have a certificate.
2011年12月23日 星期五
金門吃頭研習會 珠山
我搓 我搓 我搓搓搓 大家ㄧ起來搓搓樂
表演團體 金門南管隊
人客啊 你要來ㄧ碗嗎?
大大的湯圓 很像彈珠的說
2011年12月18日 星期日
PCHOME相本累積人氣衝破ㄧ百萬人次 下ㄧ個目標:邁向二百萬人次
PCHOME相本累積人氣衝破ㄧ百萬人次 下ㄧ個目標:邁向二百萬人次
PCHOME累積人氣衝破ㄧ百萬人次 下ㄧ個目標:邁向二百萬人次
2011年12月17日 星期六
2011年12月16日 星期五
金門縣珠浦許氏家廟奠安昨天起展開一連串的慶典活動,金門縣長李沃士主持點主儀式,並敬獻書有「世澤綿長」紅彩匾一方敬賀;縣議會議長王再生也前往致祭和 敬獻「根深葉茂」彩匾一方祝賀。總統馬英九也致電祝賀,期勉共同為營造溫馨祥和之幸福家園而努力,弘揚傳統核心價值。
點主典禮於昨天上午八時許隆重舉行,在鼓鳴三通、奏大樂和清樂後,李縣長擔任主獻官,拿紅硃筆為珠浦許氏家廟神主牌點主、祈福;之後,李縣長主持祭典,行 上香、獻酒、獻牲、獻果等獻禮,和宣讀祭文後,帶領副縣長吳友欽、主任秘書盧志輝及縣府各局室主管行三鞠躬禮,以及敬獻爐敬金一份,祝賀奠安慶典功德圓 滿。
總統馬英九和行政院院長吳敦義均致電祝賀,馬總統的賀電內文為:「欣悉訂於100年12月15日至16日為許氏家廟舉行奠安慶典,特電致意;藉由此項盛 事,踐履追源溯遠宏旨,凝聚宗族深厚情誼,落實社區人文關懷,弘揚傳統核心價值,共同為營造溫馨祥和之幸福家園而努力。敬祝活動圓滿成功,諸位健康愉 快」。
縣議會議長王再生也率議員蔡水游、許玉昭、林孫全、楊應雄、李誠智、許華玉、陳滄江與議會秘書長許丕贊及議事組主任甯國平、人事室主任楊誠國、會計室主任 洪天然、秘書陳勵志、專員駱國良等議會團隊前往祝賀。王再生祭拜後,並敬獻「根深葉茂」紅彩匾及敬獻爐敬金,表達祝賀之意。
2011年12月15日 星期四
Green living overseas to return home Nanyang roots touched and gratifying
Green living overseas to return home Nanyang roots touched and gratifying2011/12/15Correspondent Lee by Wang / county reports
Kinmen County Magistrate Li Woshi met yesterday afternoon, young people living in Nanyang town roots groups overseas, they are welcome to return their roots, and said it would strengthen the Kinmen and Kinmen youth to youth and overseas youth in two-way communication, to narrow the gap between the people of Kinmen emotions at home and abroad .Golden Gate Club in Singapore, Indonesia, Surabaya Golden Gate Hall, Sarawak, Malaysia Golden Gate Hall, Golden Gate Club in Klang Selangor, Johor Youth Hall Kim Ha line with 37 people, Kinmen County Government should be invited to return on December 14 Golden Gate to start five days of roots exchanges. 5 pm, they line visit to Kinmen County government, but also get to lead the Bureau of Education, Lee County Magistrate Li Woshi then Hangzhou, Section Chief Xu Lai, who can warm welcome.County Magistrate Li Woshi said he was glad youth residing overseas to return to their rural Southeast Asia homeland, and that this activity continued for a year. The next year will also be invited to Kinmen second and third generation children return to visit the Golden Gate, take a look at home, to experience the building of Golden Gate home results.Lee County also welcome young people living in Nanyang Township overseas back to Taiwan to study, and after graduation if the business interest, the county government also hopes to develop Kinmen sorghum agents in Southeast Asia. He pointed out that Kinmen sorghum occupies Bacheng market share in Taiwan, the mainland market has been growing, hope for the future of wine agents and dealers from Southeast Asia to open up more marketing out of the Kinmen sorghum.Kinmen County Magistrate Li Woshi also World Kinmen Day held this in the original village, attracting more than 1,400 people return home and abroad to join the festivities in Kinmen, even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission sent representatives to participate, more and more by attention and the more well-known for the pride of Kinmen at home and abroad, and welcome back to living in Southeast Asia and more parents overseas Kinmen walk, take a look.The return of Jenny Lu is grateful to the Youth League leader Kinmen County Government, held in overseas youth living in rural Southeast Asia roots groups help them understand the original township, and wearing T-shirts printed with "old, scattered out; Today, we back, "tell the joy back to the original township of Kinmen. And every member can introduce themselves and the original town of residence at present the source, want to meet and get to know their loved ones to find the original home town residence.County Magistrate Li Woshi for each member to prepare a bottle of gin, a packet of peanut candy, and books related to information and knowledge Gammon CD, so that group members feel more gratifying.Township, Kinmen County Government to encourage overseas overseas to tour the children can return to the roots, understanding root causes, the China Youth Travel Service Co., Ltd. entrusted to handle the "young people living overseas to return Nanyang town roots gold exchange" activities, this year's Golden Gate Club invited Singapore, Indonesia, Surabaya Golden Gate Hall, Malaysia Sarawak Golden Gate Hall, Golden Gate Club in Klang Selangor, Johor Youth Hall building to return home with gold, in addition to the surname ancestral hall tour arranged, the Golden Gate and in-depth understanding of the history, culture, people and culture, visiting historical sites. Their line, this (xv) The four-day date, the renewal of the war to tour, eco tour, heritage tour and other travel, will be moved to Taipei on December 19 and 20, the morning flight back non-resident land.
Kinmen County Magistrate Li Woshi met yesterday afternoon, young people living in Nanyang town roots groups overseas, they are welcome to return their roots, and said it would strengthen the Kinmen and Kinmen youth to youth and overseas youth in two-way communication, to narrow the gap between the people of Kinmen emotions at home and abroad .Golden Gate Club in Singapore, Indonesia, Surabaya Golden Gate Hall, Sarawak, Malaysia Golden Gate Hall, Golden Gate Club in Klang Selangor, Johor Youth Hall Kim Ha line with 37 people, Kinmen County Government should be invited to return on December 14 Golden Gate to start five days of roots exchanges. 5 pm, they line visit to Kinmen County government, but also get to lead the Bureau of Education, Lee County Magistrate Li Woshi then Hangzhou, Section Chief Xu Lai, who can warm welcome.County Magistrate Li Woshi said he was glad youth residing overseas to return to their rural Southeast Asia homeland, and that this activity continued for a year. The next year will also be invited to Kinmen second and third generation children return to visit the Golden Gate, take a look at home, to experience the building of Golden Gate home results.Lee County also welcome young people living in Nanyang Township overseas back to Taiwan to study, and after graduation if the business interest, the county government also hopes to develop Kinmen sorghum agents in Southeast Asia. He pointed out that Kinmen sorghum occupies Bacheng market share in Taiwan, the mainland market has been growing, hope for the future of wine agents and dealers from Southeast Asia to open up more marketing out of the Kinmen sorghum.Kinmen County Magistrate Li Woshi also World Kinmen Day held this in the original village, attracting more than 1,400 people return home and abroad to join the festivities in Kinmen, even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission sent representatives to participate, more and more by attention and the more well-known for the pride of Kinmen at home and abroad, and welcome back to living in Southeast Asia and more parents overseas Kinmen walk, take a look.The return of Jenny Lu is grateful to the Youth League leader Kinmen County Government, held in overseas youth living in rural Southeast Asia roots groups help them understand the original township, and wearing T-shirts printed with "old, scattered out; Today, we back, "tell the joy back to the original township of Kinmen. And every member can introduce themselves and the original town of residence at present the source, want to meet and get to know their loved ones to find the original home town residence.County Magistrate Li Woshi for each member to prepare a bottle of gin, a packet of peanut candy, and books related to information and knowledge Gammon CD, so that group members feel more gratifying.Township, Kinmen County Government to encourage overseas overseas to tour the children can return to the roots, understanding root causes, the China Youth Travel Service Co., Ltd. entrusted to handle the "young people living overseas to return Nanyang town roots gold exchange" activities, this year's Golden Gate Club invited Singapore, Indonesia, Surabaya Golden Gate Hall, Malaysia Sarawak Golden Gate Hall, Golden Gate Club in Klang Selangor, Johor Youth Hall building to return home with gold, in addition to the surname ancestral hall tour arranged, the Golden Gate and in-depth understanding of the history, culture, people and culture, visiting historical sites. Their line, this (xv) The four-day date, the renewal of the war to tour, eco tour, heritage tour and other travel, will be moved to Taipei on December 19 and 20, the morning flight back non-resident land.
Golden Horse Film Festival opening film premiere 23 Golden Gate
2011年4月21日,張作驥導演所執導的史詩戰爭片《1949:穿過黑暗的火花》是以金門古寧頭戰役為背景,全片在金門實地拍攝。拍攝期間動員金門各單位協助所拍攝完成的《1949:穿過黑暗的火花》,影片片段及幕後花絮影片在Youtube 及臉書 Facebook 等網路上傳播時,許多金門鄉親熱烈迴響,紛紛反映希望可以一睹《1949:穿過黑暗的火花》的風采。
2011年4月21日,張作驥導演所執導的史詩戰爭片《1949:穿過黑暗的火花》是以金門古寧頭戰役為背景,全片在金門實地拍攝。拍攝期間動員金門各單位協助所拍攝完成的《1949:穿過黑暗的火花》,影片片段及幕後花絮影片在Youtube 及臉書 Facebook 等網路上傳播時,許多金門鄉親熱烈迴響,紛紛反映希望可以一睹《1949:穿過黑暗的火花》的風采。
Golden Horse Film Festival opening film premiere 23 Golden Gate2011/12/15Reporters Cai Qun / roundup
Kinmen folks have blessed. Following the film "Seediq Bale", the Taiwanese have a brilliant film, will embark on the Golden Gate land, to meet with you. 23 premiere, adopted without invoice, free way of approach.April 21, 2011, directed by Chang directed epic war film "1949: through the dark spark" is rather ancient head battle for the Golden Gate background, the entire film is shot on the Golden Gate. During the filming to help mobilize all units taken in Kinmen completed "1949: through the dark spark", the film clips and behind the scenes videos on Youtube and Facebook and other networks face book spread, many Kinmen enthusiastic response, may have reflected a wish to see "1949: through the dark spark" style."1949: through the dark spark" is also the Golden Horse Film Festival opening film "10 +10" is one of the film program, the Golden Horse Film Festival launch of the "10 +10" movie co-creation programs, call the NPC films unite Taiwan, a total of convergence Chang, Wang, Wang Tong, Chu, He Wei Ting, Wu Nien-chen, Shen's, Hou Hsiao-hsien Hou quarter, however, Sylvia Chang, Chen Yu-hsun, Chen Kuo-fu, Chen Chun Lin, Yang Ya-Zhe, Zheng Wentang, Zhengyou Jie, Xiao Ya all, Leon Dai, Zhongmeng Hong, Wei and other twenty Taiwanese films director, each video were taken five minutes to "Taiwan's unique" Theme for the center, but not limited to the form and content of scripts, fully licensed to each director, free play, imagination and creativity.This twenty "unique to Taiwan," the video, on December 16, Taiwan Xian Ying, types are warm, there is pure love, a thriller, a record, there are absurd, black comedy, there is some magic to imagine the social realist There are also contemporary old to reproduce the current status of topics includes the urban-rural gap, times change, and self-mocking, school violence, family, emotions, feelings of youth, media power, History, etc., a comprehensive contemplation of Taiwan's social changes of the past hundred years also dig washed out from the vast flow of history can not forget the memories and emotions, or.Chang director of gratitude, "1949: through the dark spark" in Kinmen and Kinmen County government take time to obtain the support of villagers, especially the Golden Gate to the awards committee deliberations show "10 +10"; CD Kinmen have to go for all cinemasinto the history, the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival Executive Committee in line with the original intention to promote films, agreed to the Golden Gate offers two field screenings the audience, the film only received a second way of royalties, so that the "10 +10" to the film "Seediq Bale "after again have the opportunity to make Kinmen and Taiwan cinema sync, watch the big screen by the director to twenty wonderful films, and more meaningful."10 +10" will be set in the Republic of 一 ○ ○ 年 12 月 23 日 (星期五) night at seven, and December 24 日 (星期六) at four o'clock in the Auditorium of the Cultural Affairs Bureau show a, taken without invoice, free admission of the way. December 23 premiere, Chang and other directors will meet people in person and you are welcome to enjoy the film, favorite films of Kinmen, to take part.
Kinmen folks have blessed. Following the film "Seediq Bale", the Taiwanese have a brilliant film, will embark on the Golden Gate land, to meet with you. 23 premiere, adopted without invoice, free way of approach.April 21, 2011, directed by Chang directed epic war film "1949: through the dark spark" is rather ancient head battle for the Golden Gate background, the entire film is shot on the Golden Gate. During the filming to help mobilize all units taken in Kinmen completed "1949: through the dark spark", the film clips and behind the scenes videos on Youtube and Facebook and other networks face book spread, many Kinmen enthusiastic response, may have reflected a wish to see "1949: through the dark spark" style."1949: through the dark spark" is also the Golden Horse Film Festival opening film "10 +10" is one of the film program, the Golden Horse Film Festival launch of the "10 +10" movie co-creation programs, call the NPC films unite Taiwan, a total of convergence Chang, Wang, Wang Tong, Chu, He Wei Ting, Wu Nien-chen, Shen's, Hou Hsiao-hsien Hou quarter, however, Sylvia Chang, Chen Yu-hsun, Chen Kuo-fu, Chen Chun Lin, Yang Ya-Zhe, Zheng Wentang, Zhengyou Jie, Xiao Ya all, Leon Dai, Zhongmeng Hong, Wei and other twenty Taiwanese films director, each video were taken five minutes to "Taiwan's unique" Theme for the center, but not limited to the form and content of scripts, fully licensed to each director, free play, imagination and creativity.This twenty "unique to Taiwan," the video, on December 16, Taiwan Xian Ying, types are warm, there is pure love, a thriller, a record, there are absurd, black comedy, there is some magic to imagine the social realist There are also contemporary old to reproduce the current status of topics includes the urban-rural gap, times change, and self-mocking, school violence, family, emotions, feelings of youth, media power, History, etc., a comprehensive contemplation of Taiwan's social changes of the past hundred years also dig washed out from the vast flow of history can not forget the memories and emotions, or.Chang director of gratitude, "1949: through the dark spark" in Kinmen and Kinmen County government take time to obtain the support of villagers, especially the Golden Gate to the awards committee deliberations show "10 +10"; CD Kinmen have to go for all cinemasinto the history, the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival Executive Committee in line with the original intention to promote films, agreed to the Golden Gate offers two field screenings the audience, the film only received a second way of royalties, so that the "10 +10" to the film "Seediq Bale "after again have the opportunity to make Kinmen and Taiwan cinema sync, watch the big screen by the director to twenty wonderful films, and more meaningful."10 +10" will be set in the Republic of 一 ○ ○ 年 12 月 23 日 (星期五) night at seven, and December 24 日 (星期六) at four o'clock in the Auditorium of the Cultural Affairs Bureau show a, taken without invoice, free admission of the way. December 23 premiere, Chang and other directors will meet people in person and you are welcome to enjoy the film, favorite films of Kinmen, to take part.
2011年12月14日 星期三
2011 Kinmen clan ancestors a hundred years of the Republic of intangible cultural assets to promote education - Headland pocket mountain villages beads winter solstice worship, eat first, rub the winter solstice, when a child to experience the beauty of Appreciation Parade-cum-building
祭祖後會有這裡的「會飲」,指的就是「食頭」或「吃頭」活動。其相關費用來源有三;一為有新婚頭(男子新婚);二為老頭(年滿六十歲老人);三為成丁頭(男子十六歲成丁) ,輪流作頭,備辦祭品祭祖並依例開數桌酒席,祭祖畢,聚族人會餐於祖厝。
"2011 Kinmen clan ancestors a hundred years of the Republic of intangible cultural assets to promote education - Headland pocket mountain villages beads winter solstice worship, eat first, rub the winter solstice, when a child to experience the beauty of Appreciation Parade-cum-building" activities
First, the activities of Origin:Winter solstice day, direct sunlight on the Tropic of Capricorn, in the northern hemisphere's shortest day, longest night. After the winter solstice, the sun and gradually transferred to the Tropic of Cancer, slowly day long, night gradually shorter. Winter Solstice is 24 solar terms in traditional Chinese one, and clear, and in July and a half pocket (Lunar New Year), tied for the most important people of Kinmen four major festivals.Winter solstice festival known as the Golden Gate, according to ancient ritual in the clan ancestral shrine festival held, following the ancient ritual for some regulation, Libi family together after dinner to get together and show the rest of the clan reunion and rare music scene.Kinmen settlement of social organizations and local conditions over time, transfer the patriarchal organization inseparable relationship between the points. More than the old villages of Kinmen clan formed by a single name, a few multi-surname villages, mainly in the ancestral form of Kinmen or family temple for the worship center of the clan society, through the clan branch migration, the development of the island, from the Ming-Hong by the book " Ji left the sea, "records the number of 61 villages of Kinmen (not included Lieyu), and these settlements are usually located in the settlement building temples central location, forming a traditional settlement construction on the Golden Gate in a major feature, but also the spirit of the residents agree on settlement the center.The basic function of the ancestral hall where the ancestral gods established, regular worship ceremony at the premises. According to patriarchal ideas and institutions, offering a very sacred and serious things, it involves being in the form of idol worship, worship of the type and festivals, ceremonial vessels and offerings, Jigu person capacity, and the sacrifice of the human condition and discipline, ritual procedures and so on.In general, the ancestral worship by four o'clock the specific timing of auspicious days, or the vernal equinox, summer solstice, autumnal equinox, winter solstice day, the general official date for the Shrine does not make specific provisions. The type of worship can be divided into: when offering, according to the points throughout the year, the second month of worship in the first quarter, a total of four times a year when the festival, namely the spring shrine, summer and spring imperial ancestral sacrifice, taste autumn, winter steam.Golden Gate winter solstice worship, the order of your ancestors out of the shrine, the oldest instructions from the main hall of the set for the table, burning incense to worship ancestors Zhugao today's typical winter, it is clan annual event "Festival with three offer, patriarch deacon, praise God, welcome gift, drum Yoo food, millet filled with sweet wine offerings, young and old bow order only, not with women, offering drink after. "ancestral past, women can not participate in the ceremony, there are still many villages to follow.After worship there will be here "will drink" refers to the "food first" or "eat first" activities.The costs associated with three sources; a head to have married (married man); two of the old man (aged 60 years old); three for Cheng Ding head (man, sixteen Cheng Ding), making the first turn, prepared to do sacrifice sacrifice number of cases opened by ancestral and banquet tables, complete worship, dinner on the ancestral tribe together.Such activities room for a traditional settlement in the space were to distinguish between internal organization, the most important buildings is the ancestral hall, combined with the age of seasonal (such as clear and bright, winter solstice) held sacrificial activities for the rights and obligations division and unite clans agree. This kind of housing units were for the space settlement constitutes a general called "a head", the ancestral hall is the settlement of social and Space Center. Of course, the center of the village ancestral hall in bulk, copies of each room is the center of a head or a private careen ancestral ancestral ancestral hierarchy clear.Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kinmen County in celebrating the centenary series of national activities, in the year end, the specially selected to build the Golden Gate in line with the concept of feng shui and the hometown of Fujian literature as an important base - Pearl Mountain settlement, held "pocket Headland Pearl Hill Winter Solstice Festival settlementancestors, eat first, rub the winter solstice, when a child experiences cum architectural beauty Appreciation Tour "event with the community to share the Golden Gate traditional settlements, the tangible architectural aesthetics and intangible patriarchal ethical ceremonies of the United States, is also looking forward to the Golden Gate settlement building aesthetics and clan rituals carry forward the spirit of the ceremony, sustainable heritage.
祭祖後會有這裡的「會飲」,指的就是「食頭」或「吃頭」活動。其相關費用來源有三;一為有新婚頭(男子新婚);二為老頭(年滿六十歲老人);三為成丁頭(男子十六歲成丁) ,輪流作頭,備辦祭品祭祖並依例開數桌酒席,祭祖畢,聚族人會餐於祖厝。
"2011 Kinmen clan ancestors a hundred years of the Republic of intangible cultural assets to promote education - Headland pocket mountain villages beads winter solstice worship, eat first, rub the winter solstice, when a child to experience the beauty of Appreciation Parade-cum-building" activities
First, the activities of Origin:Winter solstice day, direct sunlight on the Tropic of Capricorn, in the northern hemisphere's shortest day, longest night. After the winter solstice, the sun and gradually transferred to the Tropic of Cancer, slowly day long, night gradually shorter. Winter Solstice is 24 solar terms in traditional Chinese one, and clear, and in July and a half pocket (Lunar New Year), tied for the most important people of Kinmen four major festivals.Winter solstice festival known as the Golden Gate, according to ancient ritual in the clan ancestral shrine festival held, following the ancient ritual for some regulation, Libi family together after dinner to get together and show the rest of the clan reunion and rare music scene.Kinmen settlement of social organizations and local conditions over time, transfer the patriarchal organization inseparable relationship between the points. More than the old villages of Kinmen clan formed by a single name, a few multi-surname villages, mainly in the ancestral form of Kinmen or family temple for the worship center of the clan society, through the clan branch migration, the development of the island, from the Ming-Hong by the book " Ji left the sea, "records the number of 61 villages of Kinmen (not included Lieyu), and these settlements are usually located in the settlement building temples central location, forming a traditional settlement construction on the Golden Gate in a major feature, but also the spirit of the residents agree on settlement the center.The basic function of the ancestral hall where the ancestral gods established, regular worship ceremony at the premises. According to patriarchal ideas and institutions, offering a very sacred and serious things, it involves being in the form of idol worship, worship of the type and festivals, ceremonial vessels and offerings, Jigu person capacity, and the sacrifice of the human condition and discipline, ritual procedures and so on.In general, the ancestral worship by four o'clock the specific timing of auspicious days, or the vernal equinox, summer solstice, autumnal equinox, winter solstice day, the general official date for the Shrine does not make specific provisions. The type of worship can be divided into: when offering, according to the points throughout the year, the second month of worship in the first quarter, a total of four times a year when the festival, namely the spring shrine, summer and spring imperial ancestral sacrifice, taste autumn, winter steam.Golden Gate winter solstice worship, the order of your ancestors out of the shrine, the oldest instructions from the main hall of the set for the table, burning incense to worship ancestors Zhugao today's typical winter, it is clan annual event "Festival with three offer, patriarch deacon, praise God, welcome gift, drum Yoo food, millet filled with sweet wine offerings, young and old bow order only, not with women, offering drink after. "ancestral past, women can not participate in the ceremony, there are still many villages to follow.After worship there will be here "will drink" refers to the "food first" or "eat first" activities.The costs associated with three sources; a head to have married (married man); two of the old man (aged 60 years old); three for Cheng Ding head (man, sixteen Cheng Ding), making the first turn, prepared to do sacrifice sacrifice number of cases opened by ancestral and banquet tables, complete worship, dinner on the ancestral tribe together.Such activities room for a traditional settlement in the space were to distinguish between internal organization, the most important buildings is the ancestral hall, combined with the age of seasonal (such as clear and bright, winter solstice) held sacrificial activities for the rights and obligations division and unite clans agree. This kind of housing units were for the space settlement constitutes a general called "a head", the ancestral hall is the settlement of social and Space Center. Of course, the center of the village ancestral hall in bulk, copies of each room is the center of a head or a private careen ancestral ancestral ancestral hierarchy clear.Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kinmen County in celebrating the centenary series of national activities, in the year end, the specially selected to build the Golden Gate in line with the concept of feng shui and the hometown of Fujian literature as an important base - Pearl Mountain settlement, held "pocket Headland Pearl Hill Winter Solstice Festival settlementancestors, eat first, rub the winter solstice, when a child experiences cum architectural beauty Appreciation Tour "event with the community to share the Golden Gate traditional settlements, the tangible architectural aesthetics and intangible patriarchal ethical ceremonies of the United States, is also looking forward to the Golden Gate settlement building aesthetics and clan rituals carry forward the spirit of the ceremony, sustainable heritage.
Winter Solstice Festival invites entries to eat first
Winter Solstice Festival invites entries to eat first
Correspondent Yong Yang Water / Jincheng reports
2011 Golden Gate clan ancestors of the intangible cultural assets to promote education -Headland pocket mountain villages beads winter solstice worship, eat first, rub the winter solstice, when a child to experience the beauty of architectural appreciation-cum-touractivities, Kinmen Cultural Affairs Bureau said that from now until 16 only acceptapplication is expected to enroll forty students, to the amount of full (to the county publicpriority, organizers reserve the right selection) and interested parties to the Cultural Affairs Bureau Web site can be "campaign Alert" to download the application form, then fax the completed to 082-320431 or E-mail to kuotseping@yahoo.com.tw, Tel: 323 169 switch411, Miss Guo Zeping contact.
The organizing an event organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kinmen County, the Golden Gate Pearl Hill Hsueh clan, Golden Gate Pearl Hill Community Development Association, Pearl Hill House B & B to hi, Golden Gate University, Fujian Institute of the common co-culture, will be December 20 at 8:30 on the 2nd to 5:00 pm, held in fake beadsmountain villages, where the country, high above the Golden Gate clan rituals for those who are interested can apply.
Celebrate the centenary series of national activities, in the year end, the Kinmen CountyCultural Affairs Bureau of Kinmen specially selected to build the concept of feng shui in line with the hometown Fujian literature as an important base - Pearl Mountain villageshold "Headland pocket mountain villages winter solstice worship Pearl , eat first, rub the winter solstice, when a child experiences cum architectural beauty appreciation Tour"event, and all share the Golden Gate traditional settlements, the tangible architectural aesthetics and intangible patriarchal ethical ceremonies of the United States, is alsolooking forward to the Golden Gate settlement building aesthetics and clan ritualceremony carry forward the spirit, and sustainable heritage.
Correspondent Yong Yang Water / Jincheng reports
2011 Golden Gate clan ancestors of the intangible cultural assets to promote education -Headland pocket mountain villages beads winter solstice worship, eat first, rub the winter solstice, when a child to experience the beauty of architectural appreciation-cum-touractivities, Kinmen Cultural Affairs Bureau said that from now until 16 only acceptapplication is expected to enroll forty students, to the amount of full (to the county publicpriority, organizers reserve the right selection) and interested parties to the Cultural Affairs Bureau Web site can be "campaign Alert" to download the application form, then fax the completed to 082-320431 or E-mail to kuotseping@yahoo.com.tw, Tel: 323 169 switch411, Miss Guo Zeping contact.
The organizing an event organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kinmen County, the Golden Gate Pearl Hill Hsueh clan, Golden Gate Pearl Hill Community Development Association, Pearl Hill House B & B to hi, Golden Gate University, Fujian Institute of the common co-culture, will be December 20 at 8:30 on the 2nd to 5:00 pm, held in fake beadsmountain villages, where the country, high above the Golden Gate clan rituals for those who are interested can apply.
Celebrate the centenary series of national activities, in the year end, the Kinmen CountyCultural Affairs Bureau of Kinmen specially selected to build the concept of feng shui in line with the hometown Fujian literature as an important base - Pearl Mountain villageshold "Headland pocket mountain villages winter solstice worship Pearl , eat first, rub the winter solstice, when a child experiences cum architectural beauty appreciation Tour"event, and all share the Golden Gate traditional settlements, the tangible architectural aesthetics and intangible patriarchal ethical ceremonies of the United States, is alsolooking forward to the Golden Gate settlement building aesthetics and clan ritualceremony carry forward the spirit, and sustainable heritage.
2011年12月11日 星期日
Grand opening of the Golden Gate Array peace domino
Grand opening of the Golden Gate Array peace domino
Correspondent Lee by Wang / Jincheng reports
Arts │ Kinmen peace peace century satisfy the Arts Festival, scheduled at 2 pm yesterday, Kinmen County Stadium start of the "domino array Golden Gate Peace" campaign, due to local dominoes lined up and down the impact of the extension to start until 3:00, although the challenge failed to break the domestic record of two hundred and seventy thousand, but with twenty thousand steel dominoes, dominoes also set a new record of another breakthrough.
Mayor and Vice Mayor Wu Youqin Li Woshi the Education Secretary and then Hang Li, Li Xilong Cultural Affairs presided over the launching ceremony at Kai domino array, also like to thank the National Kinmen County Magistrate Li Woshi University students participate in more than 40 investment intentions, and Kinmen County Cultural Bureau and the Taiwan Association of dominoes to help.
Magistrate Lee pointed out, a hundred years to celebrate the founding of the Republic of China, organized the Art of peace │ Kinmen and peace century satisfy the Arts Festival, and hope that the presentation of the use of domino array, expression of the Golden Gate to the desire and pursuit of peace. He pointed out that the arrangement of a domino array is not easy, once affected by the failure, the failure have to start all over again, students participate in efforts to complete work the tears endured, like the Golden Gate as the pursuit of peace, traveled 50 to 60 years war years, However, the gradual transformation of the Golden Gate now, the pursuit of peaceful intentions of trying and definitely do not fall behind, the people deserve world of respect and pride in the county.
Domino array of peace activities, scheduled to start about 2 pm yesterday, but the arrangement during the period of invasion by the venues or birds affected by the operation and man-made, eight patterns have failed many times more than the rearrangement record, hundreds of people show yesterday to watch a domino also saw two works to be completed, each case of the second partial collapse occurred, forced only reluctantly removed, so the challenge of domestic two hundred and seventy thousand records failed to break, so that participating students somewhat disappointed.
The combination of the founding of a century a series of activities of the Golden Gate Peace Art Festival, with "Art century satisfy the peace" as the main, the overall activities of the "Steel & Iron Sculpture Festival", "Peace Battlefield Music Festival", "Peace domino array," co-presented the Golden Gate rare The celebration of the founding years of art festival. The 2011 Arts Festival of the Golden Gate peace concluded, with "peace domino array" challenge domestic climax of the highest creative activities, though not successful, but also to convey to the world understand the "Golden Gate" This theater was rolling flames, and now in Asia symbol of the spirit of peace in the region.
2011年12月9日 星期五
Kinmen and Taiwan's first peaceful fight domino array
Kinmen and Taiwan's first peaceful fight domino array
Correspondent Lee by Wang / roundup
Arts │ Kinmen peace peace century satisfy the Arts Festival, at 14:00 on December 10 in Kinmen County Stadium, Kinmen County government invited the villagers to witness the mass together, "Kinmen peace domino array, Taiwan's first" historical moment.
The combination of the founding of a century a series of activities of the Golden Gate Peace Art Festival, with "Art century satisfy the peace" as the main, the overall activities of the "Steel & Iron Sculpture Festival", "Peace Battlefield Music Festival", "Peace domino array," co-presented the Golden Gate rare The celebration of the founding years of art festival. The Peace Art Festival 2011 Golden Gate concluding event will be the last "domino array of peace" challenge domestic record three hundred thousand (currently record two hundred and seventy thousand) creative activities climax, so a domino's start, let the world know. " Golden Gate "This theater was rolling flames, has now become a symbol of the spirit of peace in Asia.
The domino array of activities by the Golden Gate Golden Gate Peace University student leader, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kinmen County in the organizer with the assistance of the Taiwan Association of dominoes, to offer up to forty Registration at Golden Gate students are world-class sports game taste "work together "the true meaning. The participation of the Golden Gate University, although students often see on television a large domino event, but the first in a domino event, still can not help but feel nervous and excited.
Activities from November 28, admitted starting to see a domino in a careful student under the neatly arranged, in a domino puzzle gradually showing a perfect graphics front, because the negligence that caused a domino effect, although the inevitable setbacks However, each student will be wiped away her tears, cheer each other, and start again, peace in the entire array of activities in a domino, the students have voluntarily sacrificed their leisure time to be a domino Kinmen County Stadium, while in the process of arranged Although the stadium gradually overcome the pattern of moving lines of the terrain and the problems with the arrangement, but the biggest problem today but rather in the order process, the dove of peace on behalf of will receive from the "come out of the gift", when a After a dove, always allow students to observe the breathless flight of pigeons flying flapping movements and ready to take gifts prepared. Although the arrangement of ten days time, just to show three-minute praise, but students at Golden Gate University's efforts, I believe this praise for Taiwan's Kinmen set a new record, the domino array peace on December 10, the launching ceremony, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Kinmen County and Kinmen County government invited Kinmen Kinmen County Stadium common to feel the "domino array Golden Gate Peace" charm, but also want to personally go to the people of Kinmen Kinmen County Stadium to cheer for this group of students together to create "peace" new opportunities.
2011年12月8日 星期四
A dedicated media elite Ni Guoyan go
A dedicated media elite Ni Guoyan go
Reporters Zhang Teng / roundup
"CNA" in Golden Gate Reporters Ni Guoyan yesterday afternoon because of myocardial infarction, never left the press. He has written for the Golden Gate news, written for the history of the Golden Gate.
Ni Yan correspondents in the country before the disease, had received the interviewnotice, had to be rushed to the spot news coverage, but not enough time left on thesudden "do anything."
At that time, Yan Ni country town with the physician at the Sands had friends gathering,disease, after doctors first aid, fire electric shocks, after the hospital reported dead.
Ni Guoyan was born in 1960, graduated from Chinese Culture University Department of History, graduated from the Institute of history; began in 1988 as the Central News Agencycorrespondent has been to the Republic a hundred years.
CNA is a "state agency" for short, is a public media, inflammation of the country through the Ni coverage, the Golden Gate by Central News Agency released the news appeared in the national and international media.
In Golden Gate press, Ni Guoyan called "Ni brother", "Ni brother" or "Ni mission." In the eyes of the industry, he is a very serious reporter, often seriously to almost nothing, "New Year", not "two-day weekend."
This year (Republic 100 years), Ni Guoyan once said that "the end of the Golden Gatestrait direct flights to visit relatives Liaoluo activities in Hong Kong the pain of separation" was the Straits Exchange Foundation, organized to celebrate the twentieth anniversary ofthe "sea-based Double Ten, a win-win" Photo Competition Silver .
TSMC eight years, news reporters in Taipei Association for the "bright side ninety-eightannual social news Award", the Ni Guoyan once said that "today's Taiwan hero" award-winning series of reports.
ROC, Yan Ni country had "hurt the Golden Gate mine," the thirtieth Golden Tripod AwardFinalist Award in the magazine category personal best feature reporting award.
In addition, Ni Republic of China Yan was elected ended June Fourth National Golden Gate High School Distinguished Alumni; He has also worked six years at TSMCContinuation of the "Kinmen County," served as editing.
Reporters Zhang Teng / roundup
"CNA" in Golden Gate Reporters Ni Guoyan yesterday afternoon because of myocardial infarction, never left the press. He has written for the Golden Gate news, written for the history of the Golden Gate.
Ni Yan correspondents in the country before the disease, had received the interviewnotice, had to be rushed to the spot news coverage, but not enough time left on thesudden "do anything."
At that time, Yan Ni country town with the physician at the Sands had friends gathering,disease, after doctors first aid, fire electric shocks, after the hospital reported dead.
Ni Guoyan was born in 1960, graduated from Chinese Culture University Department of History, graduated from the Institute of history; began in 1988 as the Central News Agencycorrespondent has been to the Republic a hundred years.
CNA is a "state agency" for short, is a public media, inflammation of the country through the Ni coverage, the Golden Gate by Central News Agency released the news appeared in the national and international media.
In Golden Gate press, Ni Guoyan called "Ni brother", "Ni brother" or "Ni mission." In the eyes of the industry, he is a very serious reporter, often seriously to almost nothing, "New Year", not "two-day weekend."
This year (Republic 100 years), Ni Guoyan once said that "the end of the Golden Gatestrait direct flights to visit relatives Liaoluo activities in Hong Kong the pain of separation" was the Straits Exchange Foundation, organized to celebrate the twentieth anniversary ofthe "sea-based Double Ten, a win-win" Photo Competition Silver .
TSMC eight years, news reporters in Taipei Association for the "bright side ninety-eightannual social news Award", the Ni Guoyan once said that "today's Taiwan hero" award-winning series of reports.
ROC, Yan Ni country had "hurt the Golden Gate mine," the thirtieth Golden Tripod AwardFinalist Award in the magazine category personal best feature reporting award.
In addition, Ni Republic of China Yan was elected ended June Fourth National Golden Gate High School Distinguished Alumni; He has also worked six years at TSMCContinuation of the "Kinmen County," served as editing.
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