2019年8月31日 星期六

2019金門中秋博狀元餅 2019 Golden Gate Mid-Autumn Festival






傳統的搏狀元彩品,為大小不同的月餅,稱為「會」,俗稱「餅金」;演變至今,為了方便蒞金遊客參與,博狀元餅的禮品依時改變,口感甘醇、享譽中外的高粱酒、香酥可口的貢 糖、Q軟延壽的麵線、可貼可擦可泡茶的一條根、蘊藏戰史的砲彈鋼刀、旅遊好幫手的旅遊資訊等,都成了現在金門縣中秋博狀元餅的彩品。 

2019 Golden Gate Mid-Autumn Festival

"Bo-Ban Cake" is also known as "Bai Zhuang Yuan" or "Bo Zhongqiu", commonly known as "Boah-piann", which has been passed down from Quanzhou to Quanzhou (such as Jinjiang and Shishi) and Ganzhou Prefecture. Longhai Stone Code), Chaozhou Prefecture, especially Xiamen and Kinmen, which were originally affiliated to Quanzhou Prefecture, have even spread to Taiwan (such as Changhua, Puli, Tainan, etc.), a folk entertainment activity for the Mid-Autumn Festival, belonging to the folk The prevailing "Boss" has been passed down for more than three hundred years. In some places, it is called "winning the cake" or "grabbing the champion". According to legend, this kind of drama is like a "pre-war", which can predict the test of the year and the luck of the next year.

The Kinmen area during the martial law period was limited by the current situation. The custom of “Bo cake” disappeared from the folk. In recent years, it promoted traditional folk art and developed regional tourism culture, recreating the Chinese folk festivals celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion. The region has jointly revived the folk customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The Bob Cake is the activity of the Mid-Autumn Festival. It has been circulated for more than 300 years in Kinmen. It has ingeniously transformed the scorpion into a game that encourages advancement.

It is said that Kinmen has been in the era of Tong'an County since ancient times, and it has been handed down in the name of the subject. There is a saying that "no gold is not the same, no land is not blooming". The poor land of Kinmen made Jinmen’s descendants go to the imperial examinations to improve their lives. In order to make the people in their hometowns familiar with the imperial examination system, they represented the six champions in the ancient imperial examination system, including the champion, the second-hand, the flower, the scholar, the scholar, the scholar, etc. Six classes. The Jinmen County Government's handling of the “Golden Gate Mid-Autumn Festival Boss Cake Event” is based on the ancient system of cakes. Participants must pass through the three levels of “township test, test, and palace test”. The results are ranked in accordance with the six subjects of the department, and are represented by six kinds of cakes. Different identities: the champion of the cake is the champion; the person who is the cake is the second place; the three red cakes are also the flowers; the four cakes are the scholars, the second cakes are the people, and the one cake is the scholars. In addition, in order to make the event more abundant and lively, the side of the field will also combine the traditional characteristics of the Golden Gate and the ancient early-children to enjoy the fun of both adults and children!

Champion cake
The topping cake is made of ghee dough and bean paste to make a thin cake. The whole set of top-grade cakes weighs six kilograms and a set of sixty-three. Divided into six different sizes, the material used for each size of the cake weighs about one pound. The names and quantities of these six types of cakes are as follows:

Champion cake (one)
Pair of cakes (two)
Three red cakes (four)
Four-in-one cake (eight)
Two cakes (sixteen)
One show cake (32)
The traditional beat-colored color cakes are moon cakes of different sizes, called "meetings", commonly known as "cake gold". Since the evolution, in order to facilitate the participation of tourists, the gifts of Bo-shaped cakes have changed in time, and the taste is sweet and delicious. The sorghum wine, the crispy and delicious tribute sugar, the soft noodles of Q soft extension, the root of the smearable scented tea, the cannonball steel knife with the history of war, the tourist information of the tourist helper, etc. The color of the county Mid-Autumn Festival.

2019年8月27日 星期二







🔸活動詳情>> https://reurl.cc/XXDj3D

#樂遊金門 #2019老兵召集令

2019年8月20日 星期二





“博状元饼”俗称“博饼”,以掷骰子方式进行,属于民间盛行的“博戏”;有些地方则称为“夺状元饼”或“抢状元”,是盛行于闽南地区特有之民俗文化活动。相传是出生金门洪门港(后丰港)的郑成功营中大将洪旭,在郑成功领军进攻金陵时,为稳定留守 厦门的官兵军心,并抚慰思乡情绪,发明博状元饼游戏,让官兵在中秋节玩上一把,而在厦门、泉州、金门等地流传,成为一种中秋佳节应景的民俗娱乐活动。

Bobing (Mooncake Dice Game, a game in which six dice are thrown into a bowl and the different combinations of numbers result in different scores and prizes) is a unique festive activity in Kinmen & Xiamen during the Mid-Autumn Festival. It has been kept as a Mid-Autumn tradition by the locals for hundreds of years, forming part of the city's particular mooncake culture.

Bobing is a highly enjoyable game as people roll dices for good luck. The locals believe that someone who rolls a Zhuàngyuán (literally meaning the title conferred on the top-ranking candidate in the highest imperial examination, which here means the top prize) will enjoy a year of good fortune. That is of course because people put so much feeling into the game. It explains why the Kinmenese place so much importance on the Mid-Autumn Festival, some even regarding it as more important than Spring Festival.

2019年8月18日 星期日

「2019金湖海灘花蛤季」昨晚開幕花蛤季開鑼 花蛤小天使選拔出列

「2019金湖海灘花蛤季」昨晚開幕花蛤季開鑼 花蛤小天使選拔出列
*2019/08/18 記者:陳麗妤/金湖報導。

2019年8月13日 星期二

金門金湖花蛤季沙雕大賽 尚有名額

金門金湖花蛤季沙雕大賽 尚有名額
*2019/08/13 記者:陳冠霖/金湖報


